DAVA Foods
DAVA Foods Group currently employs more than 300 employees. Here you can find contact information to some of the staff that works cross country.
Ivan Noes
Group CEO
Cell: +45 2333 4833
E-mail: ino@davafoods.com
Aksel Karlsen
CEO, DAVA Foods Ingredients
Cell: +45 4033 5139
E-mail: akka@davafoods.com
Kristian Ramstad
CEO, DAVA Foods Sweden AB
Cell: +45 263 208 90
E-mail: kra@davafoods.com
Rune Hennum
CEO, DAVA Foods Norway
Cell: + 47 3313 9200
E-mail: rune@davafoods.no
Allan Tohver
CEO, DAVA Foods Estonia
Cell: +372 50 88 455
E-mail: allan.tohver@davafoods.com
Juha-Petri Jokinen
CEO, DAVA Foods Finland
Cell: +358 40 504 0746
Sales and marketing
Jens Madsen
Export & Food Service Director
Cell: +49 152 2199 2292
E-mail: jma@davafoods.com
Vibeke Breum Noes
Key Account Manager, Retail
Cell: +45 2074 1616
E-mail: vbn@davafoods.com
Christian Laurits Bjerre
Back Office Coordinator
Cell: +45 5131 1345
E-mail: chbj@davafoods.com
Mette Tranholm
Graphic Designer & Marketing Coordinator
Cell: +45 2081 8080
E-mail: met@davafoods.com
Jeanne Wislund Hansen
Communications Officer
Cell: +45 2078 3143
E-mail: jwh@davafoods.com
Pernille Egeskjold (ON MATERNITY LEAVE)
Communications Officer
Cell: +45 2895 0333
E-mail: peeg@davafoods.com
Louise Mølgaard Nielsen
Marketing Coordinator
Cell: +45 2632 0801
E-mail: loni@davafoods.com
Vibeke Vernersen
Supply Chain Manager
Cell: +45 2333 4847
E-mail: viv@davafoods.com
Vivi Nielsen
Quality Manager
Cell: +45 2267 2773
E-mail: vin@davafoods.com
Kirsten Westergaard Fisker
HR Manager
Cell: +45 2890 2338
E-mail: kifi@davafoods.com
Lone Broni
Cell: +45 2421 5005
E-mail: lbr@davafoods.com
Jimmy Nielsen
IT Support
Cell: +45 2333 4822
E-mail: jim@davafoods.com